Sex Coaching

Sex Coaching for Couples and Individuals

Sex Coaching for Couples

Sex CoachingYou may have an enjoyable and satisfying sexual relationship, and wonder if it could be even better! Sex coaching, employing techniques of Tantric sexuality, can open possibilities for you that you didn’t even know existed. Employing a collaborative approach, staff at Sex Therapy Associates work with you to understand what you’re looking for. Sometimes it’s hard to talk about, or you may have slightly different dreams. Your therapist/coach will help you communicate so you can understand your partner and make yourself understood to them.

Dr. Yarian writes about the Continuum of Sexual Experience in his blog. He maps the range of possibilities:

Continuum of Sexual ExperienceSex coaching, with at-home exercises to help you practice, can help you move as far as you would like along this continuum. Tantric practice, with its intentional, mindfulness approach, is a wonderful vehicle for deepening and revitalizing your sexual connection.

Sex Coaching for Individuals:

You can move in a similar trajectory to that described above, whether you have a regular sexual partner or not. Tantric approaches can help you enhance your sexual experience, connect more deeply to your sexual self, and reclaim your sexuality after painful or difficult events.

Sex coaching helps with information, guided practice, and at-home exercises. It’s up to you how far you wish to explore.

If you have any questions or wish to schedule an appointment for an initial consultation, you can reach Dr. Yarian at 615.298.4559 or Sandi Anders, MDiv at 615.243.5693. We’re usually able to meet with you within one to two weeks.

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